Support, Offerings & Community
for the Spiritual Journey
A Connection Point for the Transformational Journey
ParaNadam offers music, mantra meditations, satsangs, retreats and community to support spiritual practice and Divine connection. ParaNadam is an ambience, a contemplative container, a link between the mystical and the physical, a symbol of the perennial Teachings of Truth, a connection point for the transformational journey. Inspired and Guided by Himalayan Master & Satguru Sri Svami Purnaji Maharaj, ParaNadam provides a platform of music and various other spiritually based offerings to remind souls of their Divine Nature and True Source.

Upcoming Events
Join the ParaNadam KULA
Inspire and support your spiritual life with community connection via regular events and receive access to these empowered offerings for practice. Available to you anytime, anywhere.

Kirtan, Mantra Music & Mantra Chant Tracks

Live-Streamed Satsangs

Empowered Transmission Meditations

Private Community Events

Mantra & Puja Guidebooks

Yoga Asana
Video Library

Videos to Support Sadhana

Experience the Power of Sacred Music & Sound
Music & sound can provide a profound link between the mystical and the physical and has the unique ability to touch and shift something deep within us, to evoke emotion, to heal, and to heighten our connection to something beyond. We are particularly blessed as all mantras, bhajans and musical offerings are directly given and Empowered by Himalayan Master Sri Svami Purna. Sri Svamiji's Shakti (Spiritual Energy) enables the music to act as a catalyst to ignite the journey of Awakening within one's heart and mind.
Bhajans, Kirtan & Contemplative music
Bhajans (devotional songs) and Kirtan (call and response musical chanting) awaken the spirit of celebration and bhakti (loving devotion) for the Beloved. These musical offerings surpass the mind and reach straight to the heart with sacred mantra and english mystical poetry.
Ambient Transmission & Meditation Tracks
These ambient tracks are empowered for specific purposes in achieving a desired effect within one's sadhana such as deeper meditation, space clearing, balancing of chakras, energy activation, heart opening, etc.
Japa (Mantra chanting) Meditation Tracks
Japa is known as the repetition of sacred sounds and syllables know as mantra. These tracks deepen one's Japa practice allowing for profound healing effects on one's subtle systems and therefore impacting all aspects of self - body, mind and consciousness.

ParaNadam is beyond sound, beyond words, beyond language, beyond any outer expression. Go beyond where you are the Ultimate, to your True Nature where there is no time and space.
Where there is no you and me.
Sri Svami Purna