There will be a new moon in Anuradha Nakshatra in Scorpio on Sunday, December 1st. Anuradha means ‘another Radha’ and is symbolized by a lotus flower or staff. Its shakti is the power to worship and be devoted, and its desire is to be regarded as a friend in all the worlds. It is ruled by Mitra, god of friendship.
The energy of the coming month coincides wonderfully with the holiday season, as it is about understanding and honoring friendships and relationships. Are there areas in your life that could benefit from collaboration or partnership with others? Could goals be achieved faster or better or higher with the help of others?
Scorpio is the sign of transformation and change. It is intense and revolutionary. At its high vibration it wants to empower and influence in a positive way. The low vibration is susceptible to desire of control and manipulation. This is a time to raise your awareness about your behavior and motivation. Is what you are asking or expecting of others for the highest good or only for your good? Take a pause before reacting and check your intention. Allow yourself to be led to a higher vibration by surrendering, rather than imposing your will.
Flow with the river, especially in your relationships, instead of against it. Be open to seeing things differently, through the eyes of your friends, business partners, and family.